Even if you’ve wanted breast augmentation for many years, you may still feel unsure about what to expect leading up to surgery. It’s perfectly normal to want as much information before your breast enhancement as possible.
You can request a consultation to meet with one of our cosmetic surgeons and learn more about what to expect before your breast augmentation, including during your consultation and just before your surgery.
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What to Expect at Your Consultation
Your initial consultation is arguably the most important part of ensuring that you see the best possible results from your breast augmentation. During your consultation, you and your surgeon will discuss your procedure in very specific detail, including your hopes and expectations for your surgery.
There are a number of topics that your surgeon will typically cover during your consultation:
Your Candidacy
Although breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedures, not every woman is a candidate for implants.
Your Goals
Your surgeon will help you understand how to achieve your ideal look with breast implants, including picking the right implant size. This can be confusing for many women, as they tend to think of implants in terms of bra size, while implants are measured by volume.
Your Preferences
There are many personal decisions that need to be made before your breast enlargement, such as the breast implant options you prefer (saline or silicone) as well as the size, shape and profile of your implants. Additionally, your surgeon will go over your choices for incision placement and whether he recommends that your implants be placed over or under the chest muscles.
Additional Procedures
For some women, breast augmentation performed on its own may not meet their expectations for surgery. Your surgeon may recommend combining a breast augmentation with lift, or suggest performing a breast lift instead of augmentation. Women who are interested in a mommy makeover may discuss breast enhancement with your surgeon in the context of their other body contouring procedures as well.
Breast Augmentation Costs
Our staff will give you a detailed breast implant cost estimate once you’ve decided to move forward with your procedure, including surgeon’s fees as well as the cost for the surgical facility and anesthesiologist. You’ll also receive information on cosmetic surgery financing that can help make your breast augmentation even more affordable.
Your Timeline
Although you can take as much time as you like to make a final decision, many women choose a date for surgery during their consultation. Our staff will go over your surgery schedule in more detail with you, including scheduling specific times along with any necessary pre-op appointments or follow-ups.
Since every woman is different, the scope of each consultation can vary as well. However, you can expect to leave your consultation feeling much more prepared about what to expect from your own procedure and results, as well as more informed about breast augmentation in general.
Our Before & Afters
The gallery contains before and after pictures of actual patients. View all cases for a complete listing of all of our before and after photos of the patients treated.
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What to Expect before Surgery
Before surgery, your surgeon may request some additional lab tests or medical evaluations, including a baseline mammogram. He may ask that you adjust dosages of prescriptions you’re currently taking, or even making changes to over-the-counter medications, vitamins or supplements. Your surgeon will also recommend that you quit smoking before your surgery and refrain from smoking during recovery, as smokers’ bodies heal less optimally than nonsmokers.
Just before surgery, you should be sure to have someone along who can bring you to your appointment and drive you home after. It’s also a good idea to set up a recovery area for your first few days after surgery, and have help around the house with taking care of kids or housework so you can relax and recover.
Once both medical pre-op and personal preparations are completed, you’re ready for your breast augmentation. Planning out the details ahead of time about what to expect both before and after breast augmentation can help ensure a low-stress surgery and recovery.
Additional Resources
Breast Augmentation with Lift
The Best Candidates for Breast Augmentation [Infographic]
How To Keep It Real When Planning Your Bresat Augmentation?