Every Woman’s Experience Is Different
While some women report experiencing a loss of nipple sensation after breast augmentation, others say that their nipple sensation actually increased as a result of their procedure. Since every woman’s body is different, there’s no way to tell for sure how getting breast implants might affect you personally. The good news is that many women don’t notice any change to their nipple sensation at all.
Oftentimes, decreased nipple sensation is only a temporary side effect that eventually returns to normal.Incision Type
If you’re worried about losing sensation in your nipples, you may have misgivings that periareolar incisions isn’t the best option for you. While this concern isn’t completely unfounded, surgical skill goes a long way toward minimizing the risks associated with breast augmentation, including the risk of reduced nipple sensation. A cosmetic surgeon who frequently performs breast augmentation using periareolar incisions is your best bet for combining minimal scarring with a lower risk of decreased nipple sensation.
Talk to Your Cosmetic Surgeon
If loss of nipple sensation or breastfeeding after getting breast implants are questions you have, be sure to bring any concerns up with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation. He or she should be able to design a surgical plan to match your needs and goals.