Although one of the biggest concerns women have about breast implants is how their implants will look, it’s also perfectly normal to wonder how natural your implants will feel as well. If you’re thinking about getting breast implants, and ensuring the most natural breast augmentation results possible is one of your primary goals, here are a few factors to consider.
Why Implant Type and Size Matter
Many patients who are concerned about their implants looking and feeling very real opt for silicone implants rather than saline. Although saline implants may be ideal for some patients, they tend to feel slightly firmer than silicone. Additionally, visible rippling can occur in women who are quite thin or who don’t have much existing breast tissue.
Silicone gel has a much thicker texture than liquid saline. Because of this, silicone implants more closely emulate real breast tissue, for augmented breasts that will look and feel more like they’re a part of you. Around 60 percent of all women getting breast implants opt for silicone, and their appearance and texture is the main reason why.
In addition to the type of implant you choose, the size of your implants can also have a significant impact on how real your breasts will feel after surgery. Picking saline or silicone breast implants that are proportionate and flattering to your existing frame and body shape is the best way to help make sure your results look natural.
How Implant Placement Affects Results
Whether your implants are placed over or under the muscle can also have an effect on how your breasts feel after augmentation. Patients with plenty of existing breast tissue to provide coverage over the implant may be good candidates for subglandular (over the muscle) placement. When the implant is placed over the muscle, the chest muscles are not required to stretch out during the healing process, which means the augmented breasts will feel softer in a shorter amount of time.
Subglandular placement also means the shape and appearance of the implants won’t be affected by contractions of the chest muscles, which is more in line with the behavior of real breast tissue. To be fair, natural results can be achieved with submuscular placement as well, so it’s important to discuss your options with your cosmetic surgeon. After your surgery is complete, many women use post-operative breast massage to encourage the implants to stay soft, settle into the correct position and prevent excess scar tissue buildup.
Look for Surgical Experience
Just like with any cosmetic procedure, the factor that will most directly impact your results is the skill, experience and ability of your surgeon. Cosmetic surgery is unique because performing procedures well requires an aesthetic eye in addition to a high caliber of medical training. Before getting breast implants, do your research and ensure that your cosmetic surgeon is board certified and has extensive experience in performing breast augmentation.
When you choose a cosmetic surgeon who’s well-versed in breast enhancement, he or she will be able to help give you the guidance you need to help you meet your appearance goals. This includes answering questions about silicone vs. saline implants, which type of placement will work best for your anatomy and how to pick an implant size that’s right for you. When these elements are combined with surgical skill, you’ll have the perfect recipe for enjoying natural-looking breast augmentation results.