One very common question that many women considering breast augmentation have is whether or not implants will affect their ability to breastfeed. Here are a few key tips to help you plan your breast enhancement procedure if breastfeeding in the future is something that is important to you.
Implant Placement
There are two primary breast implant placement options: subglandular and submuscular. Subglandular implants are placed beneath your natural breast tissue but in front of your chest muscle. Submuscular implants, on the other hand, are located behind both your breast tissue and chest muscles.
If you’d like to be able to breastfeed with implants, submuscular placement is generally the ideal choice. Placing your implants under your chest muscle minimizes pressure on your breast tissue, which is important for successful breastfeeding.
Incision Type
In addition to the placement of your implants, you’ll also want to discuss the best incision type with your cosmetic surgeon. There are several options, but women who wish to breastfeed should avoid periareolar incisions. These follow the bottom half of your areolas in a semi circle and therefore may interfere with your ability to breastfeed.
Instead, inframammary or transaxillary incisions can be good choices. Inframmamary incisions follow the crease underneath your breasts, and transaxillary incisions are located in your underarm area. Both of these options minimize the risk of lowered milk production that may occur with periareolar incisions.
Share Your Goals with Your Cosmetic Surgeon
The best way to plan your breast augmentation for breastfeeding is to be open with your cosmetic surgeon and let him or her know that this is one of your goals. He or she will be able to suggest the best implant placement and incision options to help you maximize your ability to breastfeed with implants.