If you love everything about your new look after weight loss except for a thinner, sunken-in facial contour, you could be an excellent candidate for a facelift. Significant weight loss can have a similar effect as the natural aging process on your face, causing sagging skin and loss of facial volume.
Here are the ways that a facelift after weight loss can help to give you the beautiful, more youthful look that you want.
Address Skin Laxity
Through a facelift procedure, your cosmetic surgeon can remove and tighten the excess skin that results from weight loss. This will help to smooth away the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as better highlight your natural features.
A facelift can help you look like an enhanced, more youthful version of yourself.
Restore Youthful Volume
Tightening sagging skin can restore the look and feel of youthful volume of your face, taking years off your appearance. You may also want to consider talking with your cosmetic surgeon about the possibility of combining a fat transfer procedure with your facelift or utilizing dermal fillers to give you an even smoother boost of volume.
Get the Results You Want
You’ve worked so hard to achieve your weight loss goals, so why not reward yourself with a cosmetic procedure to complete your transformation? Get the youthful, natural-looking results you want with a post-weight-loss facelift. Just be sure to work with a skilled cosmetic surgeon with ample experience performing this procedure to optimize your outcome.