What are the biggest factors in seeing success after a mommy makeover? At the top is selecting a quality cosmetic surgeon. Then comes following your aftercare instructions to the letter. And in third place? What you do before a mommy makeover.
As with any surgery, there will be certain preparations you need to do for your procedure to be safe. But there are additional steps that help ensure success. So, what should you do before your mommy makeover?
Finish Expanding Your Family
The whole goal of getting a mommy makeover is to reverse the effects of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding on the body. So, if you get it, then have another child, you will likely need revision surgery.
Finish Breastfeeding
Even if you are done having children, that doesn’t mean you are ready for your mommy makeover. You also need to be done breastfeeding. This makes surgery safer and allows you to make changes to your breasts.
Wait Six Months After Having Your Last Child
You can get a mommy makeover too soon. While the exact time frame will vary based on how you heal from childbirth, most people will be OK for surgery about six months after they have their last child.
Eat Healthy and Exercise Regularly
Listen, there is no shame in getting cosmetic surgery. That said, you should always try to address concerns through diet and exercise first. Even if they don’t deliver the results you want, they will help establish your health for a more successful surgery.
To learn more about what to do before a mommy makeover, speak with Dr. Castellano. Call the office at 813-872-6093 or fill out the contact form.