Through a combination of good genes and healthy living, some people have a flawlessly svelte figure. The rest of us are left to fight the battle of the bulge, dealing with stealth pockets of fat we can’t seem to diet or exercise away.
When stubborn fat gets in the way of our ideal shape, we look to liposuction to smooth our contours. If you’re getting ready to have liposuction, here are a few ways to prepare for your recovery in a way that sets you up for the best long-term lipo results.
Ready Your Nest
In the first few days following your liposuction, you’ll need to take it easy.How you feel and how much time you need will depend on just how extensive your procedure is, but it’s a good idea to prepare a space in your home for you to relax in after liposuction. Have your favorite magazines and DVDs on standby, and make sure you’ve got extra pillows on hand.
Take Care of Business
The last thing you want to be dealing with during your liposuction recovery is your to-do list. Before getting liposuction, clean your house, fill your prescriptions and pay any bills that are coming due. Make a trip to the grocery store so you can stock up on healthy snacks and ready-to-go meals so you won’t have to deal with cooking while you heal.
Comfy Clothes
After liposuction, you’ll experience swelling at your surgical site. In the initial days following your procedure, your wardrobe should consist of loose clothing, like oversized shirts, sweat pants, pajama bottoms or even a bathrobe. Wearing lounge wear or loose clothing can help you feel as comfortable as possible while you heal. Gather these garments together in one location so they’re easily accessible during your recovery.