When you think about a mommy makeover, the traditional procedures are usually a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and liposuction. These procedures help restore your body contouring and help give you back your pre-baby figure.
While these procedures do help achieve these goals, there is one area that you may not have considered. A more toned and sculpted midsection may reveal a prominent mons pubis that can take away from your desired goals. In these cases, your surgeon may recommend adding a pubic lift to your mommy makeover.
How Does a Tummy Tuck Affect Your Pubic Area?
A mommy makeover that includes a tummy tuck procedure removes excess fat and skin in the abdominal area while also tightening abdominal muscles that separated during pregnancy. This tightening helps to create a toned and tight appearance in the midsection. However, when the midsection becomes more toned and tighter, many women will notice that their mons pubis, or the fleshy area just above the vaginal cleft, is not as tight and toned. This is because it is not addressed in a tummy tuck.
What Will Adding a Pubic Lift Achieve?
A pubic lift, or monsplasty, is a procedure designed to flatten, raise, and tighten the excess skin and fat of the mons pubis area in order to deliver a more toned appearance. When done in combination with a tummy tuck, you can achieve optimal aesthetic results in your tummy and below the waistline. In addition to providing aesthetic value, a pubic lift can also help restore normal urinary function and sexual enjoyment that may have been affected by this excess skin and fat.
How do you know if you should consider a pubic lift with your tummy tuck and mommy makeover? During your mommy makeover or tummy tuck consultation, Dr. Castellano will examine your body and evaluate whether a pubic lift may be necessary to achieve your overall contour goals.
To learn more about a mommy makeover with a pubic lift, call 813-872-6093 to schedule a consultation.